Siapa kami

Eliesta Handitya (b. 1998)

Eliesta is currently studying at Gadjah Mada University, majoring in Cultural Anthropology Department. While studying Anthropology, she is working as a part-time writer and researcher, mostly focus on gender issues, politics, or relation between art and society. She interested in art activism, and currently develop a self critical-zine project called Poppakultura (

Elia Nurvista (b.1983)

She is a visual artist and co-founder of BAKUDAPAN Food Study Group, graduated from Indonesia Institute of Fine-Art, majoring in Design. She’s interested in exploring a wide range of art mediums with an interdisciplinary approach and focus on the discourse of food. Elia has participated in numerous exhibitions and art residencies, both locally and internationally. More about her works in

Gatari Surya Kusuma (b.1993)

Gatari is a cultural worker based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She has been part of Bakudapan Food Study Group since the start. Besides being part of Bakudapan, she is working as a researcher in KUNCI Study Forum & Collective. Her interest in these collectives is to continue exploring in research methods and understanding of learning. And also about how knowledge is re-produce and re-question in these topics. Lately it is working on topics such as collective work practice and city as a space.

Khairunnisa (b.1991)

Nisa is an independent researcher and creative worker which has put her interest on labour and domestic work issue. She co-founded Bakudapan Food Study Group after she graduated from Cultural Anthropology Department, Gadjah Mada University. Her current interest is on the knowledge production inside a domestic space and how it’s distributed. Aside from working with Bakudapan, she try to archiving and assemble her thoughts onto her personal blog:

Meivy Andriani Larasati (b. 1998)

Meivy is currently studying Cultural Anthropology in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Her interest is in doing research and the like, using life history as a method and/or a point of departure. Recently, she is interested in learning new ways to explore the topic of food in critical and fun ways.

Monika Swastyastu (b 1994)

Monika is an independent researcher who has been developing her interest in Anthropology of Food. She has done several research focusing about food politics, food security and identity. She loves to do experiment research method using eating and cooking as part of everyday life to engage people and explore more about food issues. She also develop her passion in preserving traditional culinary by run her homemade culinary business.

Rr. Esty Wikasilva (b. 1994)

She is interested in gender and social issues and how they are related to food. She also writes fiction short stories, publish zines, and runs an online zine distribution platform based in Yogyakarta.

Shilfina Putri Widatama (b. 1998)

Inventing new recipes is her best way to enjoy spare time when she is not studying philosophy at Gadjah Mada University. But when it comes to finding a recipe for the better, she prefers doing it together.  She is determined that food is not to be taken for granted, so she strives to reveal the overlooked history, conflict, and struggle that lies under a plate of food.